Dedicated Users
ACE – Bower Ashton. Dedicated Users Skills and Responsibilities.
Why we have Dedicated Users:
The ‘Dedicated User’ system enables students to have unsupervised access to the studio/Workshop areas after normal working hours at peak times. This is to finish off safe processes and not to start new ones.
Dedicated Users are:
· Competent year 3 students who have over time have demonstrated a mature and responsible attitude to the use of the Stitch Sewing workshop area.
· They have undertaken the Dedicated User Training, completed the quiz and have signed the agreement.
Dedicated Users Access:
· All Dedicated Users who are working late in the Stitch Sewing workshops are responsible for their own safety.
· Signing the agreement means that you understand the risks and will adhere to the rules as stated.
· The working late agreement is made locally per evening Monday to Thursday at peak times.
· Staff reserve the right to refuse student access if rules are not followed, or if the rooms are not available. (eg: the room is set up for a formal workshop the following day or staff illness)
· Students staying late must work in pairs.
· If there is a single Dedicated User signed up, the area will be closed down and unavailable for use.
Dedicated Users Procedures:
· Fire Safety procedures. (Covered in the training).
· Security procedures. Where/How to contact responsible staff member.
· Responsible behaviour. No eating or drinking, loud music, no headphones, safe use of cutting equipment.
· You must be Inducted to be present in the Stitch Sewing workshop area (ie: no friends and family)
· Understand and adhere to Health and Safety regulations for the area and its machinery. (Covered in the training)
· Being aware of the potential dangers in the use of certain processes and not using ‘out of bounds equipment’.
Dedicated Users Roles & Responsibilities:
· Dedicated Users should sign in locally by 4.30pm to ensure they are able to stay late.
· Dedicated Users should have their Swipe Access cards on them at all times and use of the card entry system to exclude intruders. (Don’t prop fire doors open)
· Encourage others to adhere to the Health & Safety rules. Work as a team and look after each other.
· 2 locally chosen Dedicated Users will be responsible for switching off all the machinery at the end of each evening session.
· All ensure that the area is safe from hazards such as obstructions in the walkways and materials on the floor before leaving.
· Report back to area technical staff the following morning any issues, accidents incidents or breakages that may have occurred in the session.
· The locally chosen pair for the session should be the last to leave the area. A leaving time will be given and all must adhere to this. Do not swap or change the chosen student pair. These students are chosen by staff.
· Leave the workshop area and machinery tidy and in good working order.
Fire Safety:
· In the event of a fire, the fire alarm will sound.
· All students present should leave immediately, do not compromise your safety by returning for coats or bags. Leave and encourage others to exit the building calmly but quickly through the nearest available exit or fire door and stand somewhere outside away from the building.
· All students must make themselves familiar with where these doors are.
· If you discover a fire you should NOT try to tackle it yourself
Contact security immediately (see number below) or if convenient activate the nearest emergency alarm.
Reacting to injury/emergency:
First aid application.
· In the event of injury, always stem any blood flow first, then use your own judgement and call security on duty/ambulance as necessary. Do not move an injured person, bring the first aider to them.
· In the case of burns or scalds always immediately run wound for 10 minutes under cold running water – this stops the burn from continuing to ‘cook’ the skin. Cover with clean plastic rather than fabric as fibres will stick to the wound. (Call security if necessary)
· Serious burns and scalds from irons, boilers, fusing press and steam bed, can be potentially life threatening. If serious call Emergency services/security immediately. In the meantime treat for ‘Shock’. Symptoms include, shaking, sweating, cold and clammy, nauseous or sick, anxious or aggressive. Lie patient on floor, make comfortable, elevate the legs (increases blood flow to vital organs).
· If any accident or injury occurs this must be reported to the area technical staff the following day.
Emergency Contact:
Emergency contacts: Control room Frenchay campus (who are in radio contact with Bower Ashton security staff) 0117 3286404
Why we have Dedicated Users:
The ‘Dedicated User’ system enables students to have unsupervised access to the studio/Workshop areas after normal working hours at peak times. This is to finish off safe processes and not to start new ones.
Dedicated Users are:
· Competent year 3 students who have over time have demonstrated a mature and responsible attitude to the use of the Stitch Sewing workshop area.
· They have undertaken the Dedicated User Training, completed the quiz and have signed the agreement.
Dedicated Users Access:
· All Dedicated Users who are working late in the Stitch Sewing workshops are responsible for their own safety.
· Signing the agreement means that you understand the risks and will adhere to the rules as stated.
· The working late agreement is made locally per evening Monday to Thursday at peak times.
· Staff reserve the right to refuse student access if rules are not followed, or if the rooms are not available. (eg: the room is set up for a formal workshop the following day or staff illness)
· Students staying late must work in pairs.
· If there is a single Dedicated User signed up, the area will be closed down and unavailable for use.
Dedicated Users Procedures:
· Fire Safety procedures. (Covered in the training).
· Security procedures. Where/How to contact responsible staff member.
· Responsible behaviour. No eating or drinking, loud music, no headphones, safe use of cutting equipment.
· You must be Inducted to be present in the Stitch Sewing workshop area (ie: no friends and family)
· Understand and adhere to Health and Safety regulations for the area and its machinery. (Covered in the training)
· Being aware of the potential dangers in the use of certain processes and not using ‘out of bounds equipment’.
Dedicated Users Roles & Responsibilities:
· Dedicated Users should sign in locally by 4.30pm to ensure they are able to stay late.
· Dedicated Users should have their Swipe Access cards on them at all times and use of the card entry system to exclude intruders. (Don’t prop fire doors open)
· Encourage others to adhere to the Health & Safety rules. Work as a team and look after each other.
· 2 locally chosen Dedicated Users will be responsible for switching off all the machinery at the end of each evening session.
· All ensure that the area is safe from hazards such as obstructions in the walkways and materials on the floor before leaving.
· Report back to area technical staff the following morning any issues, accidents incidents or breakages that may have occurred in the session.
· The locally chosen pair for the session should be the last to leave the area. A leaving time will be given and all must adhere to this. Do not swap or change the chosen student pair. These students are chosen by staff.
· Leave the workshop area and machinery tidy and in good working order.
Fire Safety:
· In the event of a fire, the fire alarm will sound.
· All students present should leave immediately, do not compromise your safety by returning for coats or bags. Leave and encourage others to exit the building calmly but quickly through the nearest available exit or fire door and stand somewhere outside away from the building.
· All students must make themselves familiar with where these doors are.
· If you discover a fire you should NOT try to tackle it yourself
Contact security immediately (see number below) or if convenient activate the nearest emergency alarm.
Reacting to injury/emergency:
First aid application.
· In the event of injury, always stem any blood flow first, then use your own judgement and call security on duty/ambulance as necessary. Do not move an injured person, bring the first aider to them.
· In the case of burns or scalds always immediately run wound for 10 minutes under cold running water – this stops the burn from continuing to ‘cook’ the skin. Cover with clean plastic rather than fabric as fibres will stick to the wound. (Call security if necessary)
· Serious burns and scalds from irons, boilers, fusing press and steam bed, can be potentially life threatening. If serious call Emergency services/security immediately. In the meantime treat for ‘Shock’. Symptoms include, shaking, sweating, cold and clammy, nauseous or sick, anxious or aggressive. Lie patient on floor, make comfortable, elevate the legs (increases blood flow to vital organs).
· If any accident or injury occurs this must be reported to the area technical staff the following day.
Emergency Contact:
Emergency contacts: Control room Frenchay campus (who are in radio contact with Bower Ashton security staff) 0117 3286404